- 3574 مشاهدة
- 28 ماي 2023
سكول ستوري ودور التقنيات الحديثة في تطوير التعليم القرآني في المدارس النظامية
يستعرض المقال بشكل مختصر معضلة دمج التعليم النظامي والقرآني في مسار تعليمي واحد, وكيف تسهم التقنيات الحديثة في ...
The system provides many services for its various users
The system has been developed by following the best technical practices to provide the best possible protection for our users' data and privacy.
Using the system does not require any special skills or prior knowledge about programming and others
The system works on all systems, browsers and touch screens, in addition to an application for Android phones and iPhones
Automatic system for alerts and real-time notifications on phones
Daily backup of all data
Continuous updates and developments to the system that users benefit from periodically
Don't hesitate and order your copy now
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